Important Scientific Instruments

Important Scientific Instruments 

Instrument            Use

Ammeter :   It measures strength of electric
Current (in ampere).
Audiometer : It measures intensity of sound.
Altimeter : It measures aptitudes and is used in aircrafts.
Anemometer: It measures force and velocity of wind.
Audiophone: It is used for improving imperfect sense of hearing.
Barometer : It measures atmospheric pressure.
Binocular :It is used to distant objects.
Calorimeter : It measures quantity of heat.
Chronometer : It determines longitude of a place kept onboard ship.
Cardiogram : It traces movements of the heart, recorded on a cardiogram.
 Cinematography: It is an instrument used in cinema making to throw on screen and enlarged image of photograph
Dynamo: It measures mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Dynamometer: It measures electrical power
Electroscope : It detects presence of an electric charge.
Electrometer : It measures electricity charge.
Fathometer : It measures the depth of the ocean.
Galvanometer: It measures the electric current of low magnitude.
Hygrometer : It measures humidity in air.
Hydrometer: It measures the specific gravity of liquids.
 Hydrophone: It measures sound under water.
 Lactometer : It determines the purity of milk.
  Microphone : It converts the sound waves into electrical vibrations and to magnify the sound.
Manometer : It measures the pressure of gases.
Pyrometer : It measures very high temperature.
Radar : It is used for detecting the direction and range of an approaching plane by means of radio microwave.
Rain Gauge : An apparatus for recording rainfall at a particular place.
Spectrometer: It is an instrument for measuring the energy distribution of a particular type of radiation.
Sphygmomanometer: It measures blood pressure.
Speedometer : It is an instrument placed in a vehicle to record its speed.
Tachometer : An instrument used in measuring speeds of aeroplanes and motor boats.
Voltmeter : It measures the electric potential difference between two points.


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